Travel Guidelines

Travel Guidelines

The GTSC will only reimburse travel costs for travel that was approved in the budget for personnel identified in the grant narrative and budget. Allowable costs may include transportation, meals, and lodging incurred in accordance with your organization's documented travel policies.

The GTSC will reimburse travel costs based on the following guidelines:

Reimbursement and documentation requirements are outlined in the GTSC's Claim for Payment Instruction Guide.

Please note the GTSC cannot reimburse for alcohol. This cost must be deducted from all meal receipts.

On occasion, travelers may be unable to find a hotel rate within the federal lodging per diem rate for the location of travel. If that occurs, the traveler must obtain prior written approval from the GTSC to exceed the federal lodging per diem rate. Justification must be submitted with your request to exceed the maximum rate and should include a minimum of three quotes for lodging. If approved, when claiming reimbursement from the GTSC, the written approval from the GTSC allowing you to exceed the federal lodging per diem rate must be attached to the lodging receipt that is submitted with the Claim for Payment form.

The GTSC reserves the right to disallow travel costs that are considered unnecessary or unreasonable.

If your organization has a written travel policy that is acceptable to the GTSC, reimbursement will be made accordingly,

In the absence of acceptable written travel policies, federal travel rates and guidelines will apply. These rates may be obtained at or by contacting the GTSC,

Travel costs may be reimbursed on an actual basis or per diem basis. The method used must be consistent with your organization's written travel reimbursement policies. If an organization's travel policies do not contain maximum allowable rates, lodging and meal costs should not exceed the federal per diem rates unless written justification is submitted and preapproved by the GTSC.