New York State averages about 300 pedestrian fatalities annually. The Governor's Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) supports efforts to prevent pedestrian crashes, including pedestrian enforcement efforts in targeted high-risk areas that focus on both motorist and pedestrian behavior. Responsibility for addressing pedestrian, bicycle and wheel sport safety issues is shared among several agencies in New York and effective solutions to these issues often require collaborative efforts involving education, engineering and enforcement countermeasures.
Several communities around the state are addressing pedestrian high-crash locations through the implementation of campaigns to educate pedestrians and motorists and to actively enforce traffic laws at targeted locations. Communities are creating programs to address specific problem locations by utilizing materials created as part of the state’s See! Be Seen! campaign to inform and educate both pedestrians and drivers and by having local police enforce vehicle and traffic laws.
Stay Informed Pedestrian Safety Resources
Patricia Burke
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coordinator
New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 410B
Albany, New York 12228
[email protected]