Other State Teen Driver Programs

Virginia Child, Tween and Teen Car Safety 

The Make it Click Initiative is an empirically-supported program targeting increased safety restraint use and back-seat use among 8- to 12-year-old children (tweens). Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children. Nearly half of the tweens killed in crashes every year were not wearing their seatbelts, and over half of tweens sit in the front seat.


Texas Teen Driver Program

Teen drivers program in Texas


Georgia Young Adult Program

The mission of the Georgia Young Adult Program is to promote education and awareness to young adults about highway safety issues, such as but not limited to; underage drinking, impaired driving, destructive decisions, and other high-risk behaviors, in order to decrease crashes, injuries, and fatalities. This program is achieved by training peer-educators, providing educational programs to the schools, and funding students to participate in area, state, and national highway safety related conferences.