According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by the year 2050, those aged 65 and over will be one out of every five Americans. Here in New York, data from the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) shows that people age 65 and over are the most underrepresented group of drivers involved in fatal and personal injury (F&PI) crashes. They account for 21 percent of all NY licensed drivers, but are involved in only 11 percent of the F&PI crashes.
ITSMR crash data shows older motorists are less likely to engage in reckless driving behaviors. However, analysis shows that older drivers who are involved in crashes are more likely to be killed or suffer more severe injuries than younger drivers. This is due in part to some of the physiological and cognitive changes that affect us all as we age. The Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee is committed to sharing information and developing programs that make the roads safer for drivers of all ages.
Stay Informed Older Driver Resources
Robert Lopez
Highway Safety Program Representative
Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 410B
Albany, NY 12228