ARTICLE 16-A (as amended L. 1976) Highway Safety
330. Legislative findings and statement of purpose.
331. Definitions.
332. State highway safety program.
333. Local highway safety programs.
334. Federal aid.
§330. Legislative findings and statement of purpose. The rising toll of deaths and injuries resulting from highway accidents is a matter of state concern. Although the state and local governments presently are active in virtually all areas of highway safety, no formal mechanism exists for the integration and coordination of existing safety efforts. The establishment of a statewide highway safety program, under the guidance and direction of the Governor, will provide this needed mechanism, and will result in the unification of state and local efforts in the struggle to reduce highway deaths and injuries.
§331. Definitions. - For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. "State highway safety program" means all highway safety programs conducted by the state and political subdivisions of the state.
2. "Approved local highway safety program" means a program established by a political subdivision which has been approved pursuant to the provisions of this article.
3. "Political subdivision" means a city or town with a population in excess of fifty thousand, and every county not wholly included within a city, and any combination of the foregoing having at least one common boundary.
4. "Designee" means the public officer or state agency designated by the Governor to act in his behalf in carrying out the provisions of this article.
§332. State highway safety program.
1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, general, special or local, the Governor is hereby empowered to contract and to do all other things necessary or convenient in behalf of the state to secure the full benefits available under the federal highway safety act of nineteen hundred sixty-six and any acts amendatory or supplemental thereto. The Governor shall coordinate the highway safety activities of state and local agencies, other public and private agencies, and of interested organizations and individuals to effectuate the purposes of that act and shall be the official of this state having the ultimate responsibility of dealing with the federal government with respect to the state highway safety program.
§333. Local highway safety programs.
1. The Governor or his designee is hereby empowered to promulgate rules and regulations establishing standards and procedures relating to the content, coordination, submission and approval of local highway safety programs. Such rules and regulations may include, but need not be limited to, requirements in the following areas of highway safety:
(a) traffic engineering and control;
(b) traffic enforcement;
(c) investigation and surveillance of accident locations; and
(d) highway safety education.
2. To qualify for receipt of federal funds, each political subdivision shall:
(a) If a city or town, appoint, and such political subdivisions are hereby authorized to so appoint, a highway safety committee to coordinate local highway safety efforts. The chairman of such committee shall be responsible for coordinating the local highway safety program with the state program in the manner required by the rules and regulations of the Governor or his designee.
(b) If a county, establish a county traffic safety board as authorized by article forty-three of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. The chairman of such board shall be responsible for coordinating the local highway safety program with the state program in the manner required by the rules and regulations of the Governor or his designee.
(c) If any combination of a city, town or county having at least one common boundary, appoint, and such political subdivisions are hereby authorized to so appoint, a regional highway safety committee to coordinate regional-highway safety efforts. Such committee shall consist of at least one member from each participating city, town of county. The chairman of such committee shall be responsible for coordinating the regional highway safety program with the state program in the manner required by the rules and regulations of the Governor or his designee.
(d) Submit to the governor or his designee a local highway safety program in accordance with and meeting the standards established by the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to subdivision one of this section.
(e) Submit to the Governor or his designee such other information as may be required to carry out the purposes of this article.
§334. Federal aid.
1. The Department of Taxation and finance shall accept and receive any and all grants of money awarded to the state and its political subdivisions under the federal highway safety act of nineteen hundred sixty-six, and acts amendatory or supplemental thereto. All monies so received shall be deposited by the Department of Taxation and Finance in a special fund or funds and shall be used exclusively for establishing and administering highway safety programs pursuant to the provisions of this article, such money shall be paid from said fund or funds upon audit and warrant of the comptroller's vouchers of or certification by the Governor or his designee.
2. At least forty percent of the federal funds so received shall be allocated and paid to those political subdivisions which have established approved local highway safety programs. In determining the allocation of such amount among such political subdivisions, the Governor or his designee shall consider the following factors:
(a) the relative populations of such political subdivisions;
(b). the total costs of the local highway safety programs;
(c) the amount of state aid and other funds received by such political subdivisions for highway safety purposes; and
(d) the safety value of any special highway safety projects conducted by such political subdivisions.
3. The federal funds remaining after the allocations and payments have been made pursuant to subdivision two of this section shall be utilized for such highway safety purposes as the Governor or his designee shall deem appropriate.