It is New York State law that all drivers take precautions, including slowing down and moving over, to avoid a crash with any vehicle stopped along the roadway.
In 2010, New York State implemented the Move Over Law to prevent collisions with emergency vehicles that were stopped on the roadway. The law has been expanded several times to also cover hazard vehicles, highway worker vehicles, and tow trucks. In 2023, the law was expanded again to cover all vehicles stopped on the roadway.
From 2016 to 2020, 37 individuals were killed outside disabled vehicles in New York. The Move Over Law was enacted to prevent those tragedies and make New York’s roadways safer for all.
Robert Lopez
Highway Safety Program Analyst II
Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 410B
Albany, NY 12228
(518) 402-2092
[email protected]