A low stone bridge with signs

Commercial Motor Vehicle

Parkways have low bridges. Watch the signs.
Know the Facts
It is imperative for us to understand the shared responsibility we all have in reducing Commercial Motor Vehicle crashes. This is especially true as the motor carrier industry continues to grow to deliver the bulk of the consumer goods here in NYS. The trucking industry plays a pivotal role in New York State’s economy providing more than 275,000 jobs. According to the Institute for Traffic Safety and Management Research (ITSMR), there were a total of 12,838 crashes involving large trucks in 2017.  A total of 4,096 (32%) of these crashes resulted in some type of personal injury and 93 of these crashes (.72%) resulted in one or more fatalities. Fatal & Personal Injury (F&PI) crashes involving large trucks are more likely to involve multiple vehicles (87%) than other F&PI crashes (70%).
New Penalties for Commercial Vehicles on Parkways and Over Height Vehicles

Effective September 3, 2020 new fines and penalties for commercial vehicles on parkways and over height vehicles go into effect.

Penalties for commercial vehicles on parkways are broken down by weight class: less than 10,000 pounds; between 10,000 pounds and 26,000 pounds; and over 26,000 pounds. The maximum fines and penalties are as follows:

Less than 10,000 pounds: 

  • First violation - $250 and/or 15 days in jail
  • Second violation within 18 months - $500 and/or 45 days in jail
  • Third or subsequent violation within 18 months - $750 and/or 90 days in jail

Between 10,000 and 26,000 pounds: 

  • First violation - $350 and/or 15 days in jail
  • Second violation within 18 months - $700 and/or 45 days in jail
  • Third or subsequent violation within 18 months - $1,000 and/or 90 days

Over 26,000 pounds

  • First violation - $700 and/or 15 days in jail
  • Second violation within 18 months - $1,500 and/or 45 days in jail
  • Third or subsequent violation within 18 months - $2,000 and/or 90 days in jail

New fines and penalties for over height vehicles are as follows:

  • First offense - $1,000 and/or 30 days in jail
  • Second or subsequent offense - $2,000 and/or 60 days in jail

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Contact Information
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Program Inquiries

Robert Lopez
Highway Safety Program Representative
Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
6 Empire State Plaza, Room 410B
Albany, NY 12228